Handmade in Canada Since 1992
We have created the unique art of fretwork
since 1992. We also create one of a kind pyrography or
woodburned pieces. We produce more than 450 different
designs of suncatchers, ornaments, wall plaques, trivets,
and other interesting creations. From the design to the
final finishing touches, we create items that will add
enjoyment and perspective to your home or cottage. We sell
our work exclusively through high quality juried craft
shows in Ontario.
The art of fretwork has been practiced for
at least 3000 years. We are proud to continue this
tradition in the 21st century. We produce our creations
from quality laminated and solid hardwoods and soft woods.
We are excited to be part of the growing movement toward
handmade durable creations. In choosing our materials,
techniques and designs we are always aware of the end
user, whether it be next week or 2 gernerations from now.
- Ron Tremback & Patti Robertson
